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    VIVAT gets high score in VBDO benchmark

    3 July 2019 | 00:00

    The sustainable investment policy of VIVAT, known from the Zwitserleven and Reaal brands, has received a high rating from the Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO). The survey among the largest Dutch insurers was announced today by VBDO. VIVAT saw a.s.r. taking home the top position. It was the first time that the benchmark has assessed VIVAT as a holding company instead of the Zwitserleven and Reaal brands.

    Detailed insurance benchmark

    The VBDO insurer benchmark 2019 provides a detailed overview of the way in which the largest Dutch insurers organise, implement and report on their responsible investment policy. The insurers are assessed in the following four categories: management, policy, implementation and transparency.

    Corporate Responsibility

    Wendy de Ruiter-Lörx, CCO VIVAT: “Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of our business strategy. With the assets that we manage on behalf of Zwitserleven and Reaal customers, we try to exert influence to make the world more sustainable. In addition to financial returns, we also want to offer solutions to societal challenges such as climate change. To be able to do that as well as possible, we have chosen a number of strategic spearheads and have used the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guideline. Although we did not finish first in the VBDO benchmark, it feels like a victory nevertheless. The financial sector is apparently taking its responsibility and making it more sustainable. Everyone ultimately benefits from this. However, this does not prevent us from doing everything we can to again finish in first place next year!”

    About VBDO

    VBDO logoThe Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) is the only association in the Netherlands that defends the interests of sustainable investors. The association represents private and institutional members who believe it is important that the companies in which they invest conduct corporate social responsibility. VBDO is committed to a sustainable capital market that, in addition to financial criteria, also takes social and environmental criteria into account. By conducting research and organising meetings, VBDO makes investors and companies aware of sustainable opportunities. She also asks questions about sustainability at shareholders’ meetings.